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Godzilla vs Kong review from Decker Shado

Godzilla vs. Kong, also known by the working title of "Apex" is a 2021 American science fiction monster film produced by Legendary Pictures, and the fourth entry in the MonsterVerse, following 2019's Godzilla: King of the Monsters, acting as a sequel to both King of the Monsters and Kong: Skull Island.

Godzilla vs. Kong had a rocky development, first scheduled for release on May 29, 2020, then being moved back to March 13, 2020, only to be postponed again to November 20, 2020, and finally May 21, 2021. It was then rescheduled for March 26, 2021, before being released in cinemas in the United States on March 31, 2021. Through April 30, 2021, the film was also streaming simultaneously on HBO Max.

Adam Wingard directed the film, which was written by Michael Dougherty and Zach Shields. Borenstein, Dougherty, and Shields collaborated on the script. Godzilla and Kong square fight five years after Ghidorah's rampage in Godzilla vs. Kong, which takes place five years after King of the Monsters.

Currently, work is underway on a follow-up sequel to the film.

In "Godzilla vs. Kong" legends clash as two epic foes face off in a spectacular fight with the destiny of the planet on the line. Kong and his guards go on a risky trip in search of his rightful home, and Jia, a little orphaned girl with whom he has built a special and profound link, joins them. They are, however, unintentionally thrust into the path of an infuriated Godzilla, who is wreaking havoc around the globe. The titanic battle, sparked by invisible forces, is merely the start of the mystery that lurks deep under the Earth's core.

As of 2024, Godzilla and Kong are the only Titans still alive on the planet, five years after Godzilla beat his extraterrestrial adversary Ghidorah. Because to a storm induced by Ghidorah, the climate of Skull Island has become unstable, prompting Monarch to keep Kong within a structure that resembles the island's ecology.

When Jia pays a visit to Kong and offers him a toy, the Titan, knowing that he is stuck within the biodome, discovers this and instantly tosses a tree at him.

To help guide them to the Hollow Earth, Nathan travels to Skull Island and meets his colleague, Monarch anthropological linguist and Jia's adoptive mother Ilene Andrews, with his idea of using Kong as their navigator to lead them to the energy source since Skull Island is no longer able to contain him (because Kong has grown too large) and allow him to survive. Though Ilene declines at first as she explains that Godzilla would come for Kong as soon as he was moved off of Skull Island, she finally accepts after being convinced by Nathan that they need to undertake this mission in order to stop Godzilla's rampage and that they can also find Kong a new home.

Nathan, Ilene, Jia, and an Apex crew lead by Walter's daughter Maia board a customized boat where a barely drugged Kong is shackled to keep him from escaping. On a rainy night, Kong grows restless and upset and begins pulling on the shackles that restrict him, but Jia soothes him by allowing her and Kong to hold fingers in solidarity as Kong signs the word "home" much to Ilene's surprise. The next day, Ilene tells to Nathan how she raised Jia as her adopted daughter when violent and unpredictable storms swept off the majority of the Iwi and her parents, but Jia was the only survivor due to Kong's protection, which resulted in the two developing a relationship.

At this juncture, Jia detects Godzilla's presence via the ship's vibrations as the Titan approaches and strikes the soldiers, almost drowning Kong and the others on board. Fortunately, Nathan frees Kong by releasing his shackles, enabling him to fight Godzilla underwater long enough for him to swim to the surface and tip the barge back on its head, therefore rescuing the party from drowning. Kong rushes onto a neighboring aircraft carrier in order to confront Godzilla, who hops onboard to do battle with Kong. The two Titans trade vicious punches until Kong is able to shove Godzilla back into the water due to a distraction provided by fighter planes. Godzilla unleashes his atomic breath from under the carrier, but Kong leaps off to avoid the explosion, only for Godzilla to wrap his tail around Kong and pull him into the ocean's depths, aiming to drown the Titan.

Recognizing Kong's inability to survive in the cold and their inability to return him to Skull Island, Nathan asks Ilene if Kong will go if he believes there are others like him down there, and she instructs Jia to inform Kong that his family may be down there, prompting the Titan to enter the tunnel and the teams to follow in their HEAVs.

Meanwhile, Madison and Josh track down Bernie, who recognizes Madison as Mark's daughter and joins their inquiry, believing Apex is to blame for Godzilla's erratic behavior. They slip inside the devastated Apex base together, only to discover that the "eye" Bernie had mentioned earlier had vanished. The crew is accidentally imprisoned and carried in an antigravity transport vehicle transporting Skullcrawler eggs down an underground tube to Hong Kong when they find a mysterious facility deep beneath.

A mechanical version of Godzilla, "Mechagodzilla" is being operated by Dr. Ishiro Serizawa's son, Walter's top technological officer, Ren Serizawa, as the trio disembarks in the darkened room they found themselves in. Just as soon as Walter activates Mechagodzilla, he throws a gigantic adult Skullcrawler nicknamed "Number 10" into the chamber to see how strong the mecha would be while facing off against the Titans. When the Skullcrawler is about to attack Madison, Josh, and Bernie, Mechagodzilla grabs it and restrains it with a tremendous red energy beam, enabling Josh, Bernie, and Madison to take cover in a tiny hatch. Because of power supply limits, the test is halted at the point of its completion.

The Hollow Earth has a biosphere comparable to Skull Island. One of their HEAVs is destroyed by a Warbat as they are investigating the region. Despite Kong's heroics, he is ultimately brought down by the second Warbat, who recovers after being knocked unconscious by the corpse of the first. In order to let Kong escape and kill the Warbat with his bare hands, Nathan's squad used their HEAV to assault the Warbat before smothering him.

Kong is saved by Godzilla, who spares his rival's life before walking away, leaving him with a commotio cordis that ultimately causes him to go into convulsions.

The energy source and Ghidorah's brain networks cause Mechagodzilla to go berserk, killing Walter with a sweep of its hand and electrocuting Ren. Mechagodzilla escapes the Apex facility under Victoria Peak Mountain and rampages around the city before Godzilla tackles it. As Mechagodzilla approaches Godzilla, it begins a missile barrage at its biological counterpart.

After waking up, Kong sees the fight between Godzilla and Mechagodzilla before meeting up with Jia, who attempts to persuade Kong that Godzilla isn't truly his adversary. Kong eventually agrees. However, after Kong has continued to watch Godzilla being defeated by Mechagodzilla for some time, Jia discloses to him the truth, revealing that it is the robot, not Godzilla, who is the "real" adversary. After a brief moment of denial, Kong ultimately accepts and sets aside his resentment before entering the fight to assist Godzilla in reattaching his severed limb.

The robot Mechagodzilla is about to fire a red energy beam down Godzilla's neck when Kong dives on top of the robot and deflect the beam into the air, thereby saving Godzilla's life. Following the realization that King Kong saved his life and realizing that he is not an adversary, Godzilla joins forces with King Kong to fight against the mechanized monster Mechagodzilla.

Madison reconnects with Mark and introduces him to Josh and Bernie, who are delighted to see him and invite him onto his program to talk about the Monarch facility in Roswell. Godzilla appears out of nowhere, causing Kong to grab his axe and continue the fight. Godzilla does not attack Kong, instead staring him down. Kong lowers his axe, putting an end to the conflict between his and Godzilla's species. Godzilla and Kong are now on an equal footing, and Godzilla returns to the water calmly, with Kong and the rest of the audience looking on.

Monarch built an observation station in the Hollow Earth later on. Ilene, Nathan, and Jia see Kong on his morning stroll one day. In his roaring declaration of himself as King of the Hollow Earth, Kong leaps atop a cliff, pounding his chest and welcoming Jia as his new home and domain

Godzilla vs. Kong has received mostly good reviews. As of April 16, 2021, the film has 341 reviews on the review aggregation site Rotten Tomatoes, 254 of which were fresh, with a "Tomatometer" rating of 74 percent certified Fresh. According to the site's reviewers' consensus feature, "Delivering squarely on its title, Godzilla vs. Kong swats away character development and human drama to deliver all the spectacle you'd expect from giant monsters slugging it out."

According to the site's summary of audience evaluations, "This long-awaited blockbuster matchup makes it easy not to think about the so-so story and characters by serving up plenty of action and incredible effects." A majority of critics were pleased with the monster fighting in the picture, while others were disappointed with the "half-baked" human characters. After a five-day weekend release period, the picture was predicted to have made $48.5 million dollars at the U.S. box office, ending a downturn attributed to the COVID-19 outbreak. As for how the movie performed on HBO Max, WarnerMedia declined to provide specific figures but did say that it had the highest viewership of any series or feature aired on the channel since its introduction, with many people tuning in many times. Additionally, the picture was a huge success on the overseas market, grossing an extra $236 million.


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